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Weather's Role in the Challenger Accident
Weather's Role in the Challenger Accident
Sep 21, 2024 5:41 AM

The loss of Space Shuttle Challenger on January 28, 1986 was one of the most significant "where were you" moments in recent history. Like many schoolchildren across the country, maybe you were watching Teacher in Space Christa McAullife. Or like millions of others, perhaps you learned of the accident shortly afterward and tuned in to watch the endless replays of the horrific fireball in the clear blue Florida sky.

The Space Shuttle Challenger crew

Back row left to right: Ellison Onizuka, Christa McAuliffe, Greg Jarvis, and Judy Resnik. Front row left to right: Michael Smith, Dick Scobee, and Ron McNair.


The presence of Christa McAuliffe drew more public attention to this 25th space shuttle mission than had been paid to recent flights. NASA had successfully flown more than 20 successful shuttle flights, and the public had largely come to see the shuttle and spaceflight in general as routine. In fact, only one broadcast or cable network showed the moment when Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into the flight. Before Challenger, no American astronauts had been killed during a NASA mission. (Three astronauts died January 27, 1967 during a fire during Apollo training, and several others have died in airplane training crashes.)

President Reagan appointed a commission to investigate the Challenger accident. Former Secretary of State William Rogers led the group, typically known as the Rogers Commission. The Rogers Commission determined the cause to be "the failure of the pressure seal in the aft field joint of the right Solid Rocket Motor." The failure was a result of a faulty design in combination with several factors, some of them weather-related. (The Rogers Commission also determined NASA and contractor managers to be at fault, but this article will cover only the weather effects.)

The shuttle consists of three components - the orbiter, the orange external tank, and two solid rocket boosters or SRBs. The boosters are made of cylindrical steel and solid propellant segments that are stacked together. The locations where the segments come together are called joints. Some of the segments are joined before shipment to Kennedy Space Center (called factory joints) while some are joined at KSC (called field joints). There are three field joints in each booster. The aft field joint - the one that failed during Challenger's flight - is the one closest to the nozzle of the booster.

Solid Rocket Booster O-Ring diagram

Each of the joints has a seal mechanism to prevent hot gas from escaping through the joint. The seal design includes two O-rings (primary and secondary), which are large thin rubber rings much like you would see if you opened up your bathroom faucet. The joint can expand slightly at booster ignition and during flight because of high pressure (1000 psi) inside the motor's combustion chamber. The O-rings compress and expand along with the joint to keep the seal closed.

Many believe that the cold weather at Kennedy Space Center on that January morning was the only weather factor involved, but that is not the whole story.

Challenger's launch had originally been scheduled for the afternoon of January 22. After a two-day slip related to the previous shuttle mission, bad weather at an emergency landing site in Senegal and problems with an alternate site in Morocco delayed the launch to Sunday, January 26.

Air Force forecasters provided a pessimistic Sunday forecast to NASA managers the night before, causing managers to postpone Sunday's launch in advance. However, as launch director Gene Thomas notes, "Sunday morning, the weather was perfect. We got a bad report. It happens."

The countdown proceeded towards a launch Monday, January 27 at 9:37 a.m. After the crew boarded Challenger, a tool used to close the hatch became stuck. The ground crew eventually removed the tool, but by that time crosswinds at the Shuttle Landing Facility rose above the acceptable limit for a Return To Launch Site (RTLS) emergency landing. At 12:35 p.m., the launch was scrubbed and rescheduled for Tuesday, January 28 at 9:38 a.m.

After Monday's scrub, forecasters briefed managers on the outlook for Tuesday morning. Clear skies were forecast, but unseasonably cold weather was expected to sweep through central Florida. The minimum estimated air temperature at the launch pad reached a minimum of 22°F just before dawn Tuesday.

Ice on Challenger's launch pad


With sub-freezing temperatures predicted, ground crews drained most of the water pipes at the launch pad to minimize ice formation. Those that could not be drained were left running overnight, and strong wind gusts blew water onto pad structures where it subsequently froze.

The ice inspection team was sent to the launch pad several times overnight to evaluate conditions at the launch pad. Before each shuttle launch, the ice team reviews ice buildup on the external tank caused by the supercooled liquid oxygen and hydrogen in the tank. Ice on the tank and launch pad structure is considered a debris hazard because it can break off and damage the shuttle's fragile thermal protection tiles.

Upon seeing the amount of ice on the pad, the launch team decided to delay the launch to 11:38 a.m. in order to give the sun time to melt some of the ice and minimize the debris risk.

The first hint of trouble occurred at liftoff, but was not noticed until film was developed after the accident. Several puffs of smoke were seen emanating from the right Solid Rocket Booster aft field joint.

Puff of smoke seen near Challenger at liftoff


Challenger encountered several bouts of wind shear starting around 37 seconds into the flight and lasting through just after one minute after liftoff. (More on the wind shear later.)

About one minute after liftoff, a flame plume becomes visible on the right Solid Rocket Booster. The plume originates from around the aft field joint - the same area as the smoke puff seen at liftoff.

The plume grew and was pushed by aerodynamic forces toward the external tank. The first evidence of external tank failure is the interaction of the plume with liquid hydrogen leaking from the external tank about 65 seconds into the flight. The plume also began to burn the strut connecting the right solid rocket booster and external tank.

First sppearance of plume after Challenger's liftoff


The tank structure failed approximately 73 seconds after liftoff, causing the liquid hydrogen and oxygen to burn explosively. Challenger itself did not explode, but was torn apart by extreme aerodynamic forces. Several large components of Challenger, including the right wing and crew compartment, are visible in photographs and film after the breakup.

The ambient air temperature at the launch pad was measured by a weather tower 1000 feet from the pad. The air temperature is usually quoted as 36°F at launch time, but the temperature near the failed Solid Rocket Booster joint was estimated to be 28°F. The Rogers Commission studied several reasons for this difference.

First, the 36°F reading came from a weather tower sensor at ground level. The surface of the launch pad is roughly 50 feet above ground level, and the aft field joint is another 70 feet higher. Based on the tower readings at launch time, the ambient air temperature at the level of the aft field joint was estimated to be 31°F.

Second, the ambient temperature at the failed joint was even colder because of several other effects. The Rogers Commission studied the effect of cooling on the external tank surface interacting with the westerly winds observed leading up to launch time. Also, the failed joint was shaded from the sun during the hours prior to liftoff. Joints on the sun-facing side were estimated to be nearly 20 degrees warmer than those on the shaded side at liftoff.

Solid Rocket Booster O-rings


While at the launch pad, the ice team took measurements of the external tank and solid rocket booster surfaces using infrared scanners called pyrometers. During their testimony to the Rogers Commission, members of the ice team reported measuring temperatures as low as 9°F on the solid rocket booster surface near the joint that eventually failed. These measurements were later found to be erroneous (roughly 12 degrees too cold) because of problems with the pyrometers. Regardless the exact temperature, the right Solid Rocket Boosters aft field joint area was significantly colder than on any previous shuttle launch.

Tests conducted during the Rogers Commission investigation showed that O-rings were much less resilient at lower temperatures. As a result, they would not be able to expand along with the Solid Rocket Boosters case motion, and may not seal the joint properly. This is what happened with the sub-freezing O-rings in Challenger's right Solid Rocket Boosters aft field joint.

The shuttle is designed to handle a certain amount of structural load with margin built in. During the shuttle's 8 1/2 minute ride to orbit, on-board computers steer the shuttle along a preplanned trajectory.

Before launch, upper level winds are monitored by series of balloons and other devices. Engineers use wind data to optimize the shuttle's trajectory to minimize load caused by upper level wind. If the predicted structure load is outside of the acceptable limits, launch can be scrubbed.

In general, wind shear is more important for structural load than the wind speed itself. Wind shear refers to changes in the wind speed and/or direction over a relatively short distance.

The structural loads seen during Challenger's ascent were among the largest in the history of the shuttle program to date. However, the Rogers Commission determined they were not outside of the design limits and therefore did not themselves cause the accident.

However, some experts believe that the O-ring failure, and as a result the Challenger accident, would not have occurred without the high wind shear.

The puffs of smoke originating from the aft field joint stopped roughly 3 seconds after liftoff. No further indication of trouble with the joint was seen until the plume at one minute into the flight. What happened during that interval?

One leading theory is that aluminum oxide particles, a byproduct generated by the solid rocket motor combustion, helped plug the gap in the joint. This could have prevented the hot gas from escaping around the failed O-rings during the first minute of flight.

Dr. Mark Salita, who modeled O-ring erosion for Morton Thiokol, wrote that the wind shear - the "worst wind shear experienced by any STS flight up to that date" - shimmied the segmented booster case enough to dislodge the particles that had been temporarily plugging the joint gap. Salita believes that without this wind shear "the damaged but plugged O-rings probably would have survived the 120 seconds of booster operation without leaking" and the accident would have been avoided.

This "unanticipated sequence of unfortunate occurrences," as Salita wrote, led to the worst tragedy in the history of the United States space program to date.

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