For pets, summer’s long days bring an even longer list of dangers, from sizzling asphalt to dog-park bullies to pesticides to drowning. Happily, many perils can be avoided with planning, says Dr. Tony Johnson, an emergency-care specialist at Purdue University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
Cats, he says, “sometimes have more common sense than dogs” but are prone to high-rise syndrome—falling from apartment windows—and find poisonous ethylene glycol from car-cooling systems irresistible. So do dogs.
Both species need fresh drinking water, but dogs, particularly snub-nosed canines like pugs and bulldogs, are at risk of overheating. Any swimming should be supervised, and owners must look out for snakes and stray fish hooks.
At parks, keep an eye out for aggressive animals, and never leave your dog or cat alone in a car. Even with the windows cracked, it will become an oven in minutes.
Dr. Johnson acknowledges that he sees everything that can go wrong and little of the fun. Still, owners should always keep the address of the nearest emergency clinic on hand. His final suggestion: a pet first-aid-and-CPR course. After all, prevention is also about knowing what to do when trouble finds you.