The burn scar left by Western Australia's 2-million-acre "gigafire" is seen in this image.
A new image from NASA shows the enormous scar left behind by Western Australia's "gigafire."The bushfire scorched over 2 million acres of the Kimberley Plateau region.The fire is more than six times the size of Los Angeles and larger than Delaware and Rhode Island combined.
shows the burn scar an enormous fire in Western Australialeft after scorching more than 2 million acres of rural land — equal to six times the size of the city of Los Angeles.
The lightning-sparked inferno has burned some 80 miles southeast of Broome and has continued to grow due to warm temperatures and spring winds since it was sparked on Oct. 11.
Burn scars captured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Terra satellite show the damage the had left in just under a month's time. The image you're seeing above is in false color to better distinguish the scar from the surrounding landscape.
The northernmost corner of Western Australia, known as Kimberley Plateau, commonly sees fires from August to November and tends to see , according to the West Australian.
Last year, , making it the worst season the area had seen in the past decade, said the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
For additional size comparison to help grasp the enormity, the Western Australia fire is more than six times the size of New York City, eight times the size of Dallas, 13 times the size of Chicago and larger than both Delaware and Rhode Island combined.