Hurricane Dorian ravaged the Bahamas, destroying homes and causing fatalities.USAID says that giving money is always the best way to help.Giving blood and volunteering are also effective options for helping.
Hurricane Dorian wiped entire neighborhoods off the map in the northern Bahamas and killed at least 50 people. With more than 1,300 still missing in the areas hardest hit by this Category 5 storm, that toll is likely to rise.
(MORE: The Latest Forecast for Hurricane Dorian)
The urge to help those in need is strong, but what's the best way to help?
Here are some ways to help the survivors of Hurricane Dorian:
1. Cash is king. After seeing destroyed homes and people who have lost everything, we may be tempted to donate clothing, food, bottled water, or other supplies. Aid organizations say often create logistical nightmares and more expense. A financial donation can be spent on what is needed most at that particular moment.
2. Know to whom you are giving. after natural disasters. Give to trusted, mainstream organizations. If you are unsure about a group, check it out at the Better Business Bureau's, , , or.
3. One way to help is to donate blood. to find local blood drives to support those impacted by Dorian.
4.) Volunteer, but do not self-deploy. Find a trusted organization to sign up with, and remember that volunteers will be needed for months and even years after the storm, according to .
Here are some effective and trusted organizations to donate to: