Eleven Hyundai drivers helped 13-year-old Stephanie send a message to her dad, an astronaut orbiting Earth in the International Space Station.
A fleet of cars etched Stephanie's etched Stephanie's message into the desert floor.
In an , , who says she misses her father, and worked with her to etch "Steph Loves You" into Nevada's Delamar Dry Lake in tire tracks.
Although Stephanie's father wasn't identified in the ad, ABC News says that astronaut Terry Virts, known for his prolific space photography, . With only a handful of other astronauts on the station, it's likely that Stephanie is Virts' daughter.
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The message, in its entirety, is nearly 2.2 square miles and twice as large as New York City's Central Park.
Guiness World Records .
Late last month, Virts tweeted a video of central African thunderstorms viewed from space:
MORE ON WEATHER.COM: Astronaut's Photos from Space
New York City, posted on April 23, 2013. Cmdr. Chris Hadfield tweets: Incredibly clear, before the trees have filled with leaves. (Chris Hadfield/NASA)