Health & Wellness
Quick Beauty Tips
Jan 17, 2024
(Getty Images) As a busy working mother that doesn’t have time for myself much often, I began to research the market for quick fixes and products that I could use in the comfort of my own home in my very restrictive “me” time. I was pleased to discover that the cosmetic industry is thinking more and more about people like me, people always in a rush, applying makeup on the go, breakfast on the go, life on the go ......
The Emotional Toll of Losing Weight
Jan 17, 2024
(YouBeauty) TV producer Jennifer Rumple was chatting with a friend recently. When the conversation went on longer than expected, she decided to grab a seat. As she zeroed-in on a chair with side arms, she balked. “‘I can’t fit my body into that,’” she thought. Then she remembered: In the past year, she’d shed 180 pounds and could easily fit in any chair she wanted. When someone loses a significant amount of weight, his or her appearance is completely transformed....
Are You Drinking Yourself Fat?
Jan 17, 2024
(Getty Images) Could you be drinking yourself fat? It’s possible if you regularly sip non-diet soda, energy drinks, flavored coffee beverages, alcohol and other forms of empty liquid calories. These kinds of fluids offer little nutritional value and can pack a wallop onto the waistline. For example, a sixteen ounce Starbucks iced cocoa cappuccino made with whole milk contains 190 calories—only slightly less than a Mounds candy bar. It doesn’t help that the serving sizes of drinks offered at many...
EatingWell: Trading up to whole grains and fiber
Jan 17, 2024
Dietary guidelines recommend that all Americans get at least 25 grams of fiber a day. This is an even stronger imperative if you have diabetes, since a fiber-rich diet can help you better manage your blood-glucose levels. Twenty-five grams is about twice as much as most of us now eat, so to comply you'll probably have to make a conscious decision to put more fiber-rich plant foods on your menu and get at least half of your grain-based foods each...
Meat Industry Fights Off Concerns About 'Meat Glue'
Jan 17, 2024
ForbesMad cow, pink slime, white slime and now, "meat glue." KGO-TV in San Francisco recently featured the powdery substance with the tantalizing introduction: "If you were disturbed to hear about pink slime in your hamburger, then you'll want to know about this." The powder is transglutaminase, the TV station reported. "It binds bits and pieces of meat together into what looks like a prime cut." A clip shows how cheap scraps of beef were glued together with the powder to...
Long commutes linked to larger waistlines
Jan 17, 2024
Agence France Presse People who drive long distances to work are more likely to be overweight and have poorer fitness levels than people who live closer to their jobs, a US study said Tuesday. The study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine was based on data from nearly 4,300 people in Texas near the major metropolitan hubs of Dallas-Fort Worth -- one of the top five most congested areas in the United States -- and nearby Austin. People who...
How to Get the Best Sleep Possible
Jan 17, 2024
You may not realize it, but your body is doing everything but resting while you snooze -- it's forming memories, repairing cells, and regulating hormones. Unfortunately, although the National Sleep Foundation recommends seven hours of shut-eye a night, 20 percent of Americans get six hours or less. If you're one of those people, here's how to make the best of the sleep you do get. DO sleep to remember. Certain receptors in the brain that help new neural connections form...
Drink This Iced Tea to Boost Memory
Jan 17, 2024
Next time you feel a little foggy or forgetful, brew yourself a refreshing glass of iced green tea. A recent study provides convincing evidence that green tea may help boost memory performance and attention in older adults who have mild cognitive impairment. A Cognition-Boosting Brew The study involved older adults who were given green tea supplement extract to take twice daily, along with an extra amino acid that's found in green tea -- L-theanine. And compared with a control group...
How Much Sun Should You Get for Vitamin D?
Jan 17, 2024
(YouBeauty) We dive into the debate. Sick of hearing about vitamin D? This much-talked-about topic was heralded by the New York Times as the “supplement of the decade.” But for all the good D can do for your body (like build strong bones, ward off depression, heart disease and possibly even cancer) the mere fact that people are ditching their sunscreens and risking skin cancer to soak up vitamin D-strong solar rays is particularly worrisome. And despite all the hoopla...
Researchers Launch Yosemite Hantavirus Study
Jan 17, 2024
In this file photo from Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011, tents are seen in Curry Village in Yosemite National Park, Calif. The hantavirus outbreak will allow researchers to study the rare disease. (AP Photo/Ben Margot) SAN FRANCISCO -- California researchers and public health officials have launched what they describe as a groundbreaking series of studies of a rare mouse-borne virus that has infected at least nine Yosemite National Park visitors, killing three of them, since June. By using the 1,200-square-mile park...
Flu Season Uncertain; Get a Shot, CDC Urges
Jan 17, 2024
George Eberhardt, 107, of Chester, N.J. is given his annual flu shot by nurse Bettie Donnelly. Babies and toddlers were more likely to get the flu vaccine last year than people over 65. Both groups are more vulnerable to flu than other age groups. (AP Photo/Mel Evans) WASHINGTON — Time to get your flu vaccine — and a surprising new report shows babies and toddlers seem to be getting protected better than the rest of us. Last year's flu shot...
Don't Back into Winter: Prepare for Raking, Shoveling
Jan 17, 2024
Sean Curran of Doylestown, Pennsylvania shovels snow and ice outside his home after a winter storm on October 30, 2011. (William Thomas Cain/Getty Images) The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting chillier and before you know it, leaves will blanket the ground. Can snow be far behind? The changing of seasons brings with it a call to manual labor, in the form of shoveling and raking. After Mother Nature has left her mark, getting yards and driveways back...
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