News & Media
Spectacular Memorial Day Weekend Aurora Seen By Many as Far South as Nebraska, Cape Cod
Sep 23, 2024
At a Glance A spectacular aurora was visible by many in Canada and the northern U.S. Saturday night.Some witnessed it as far south as Nebraska, Cleveland, and Cape Cod. A strong solar storm triggered a spectacular aurora over the Memorial Day weekend, visible over a sizable swath of the northern U.S., Canada, and higher latitudes of the Southern Hemipshere. The storm, rated G3 on the , , setting up a dazzling display in the night sky as far south as...
NASA Spacecraft to Fly Near Sun
Sep 23, 2024
NASA plans to launch a spacecraft that will fly directly into the sun’s atmosphere in an attempt to answer important questions about how stars work. ...
Experience Weightlessness with Zero-G Flight
Sep 23, 2024
Zero-G Corporation offers weightless flights, not to space but within our own atmosphere. ...
This is the World’s Largest Plane
Sep 23, 2024
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has unveiled the world’s largest airplane -- replete with six engines, 28 wheels and a wingspan longer than a football field. ...
Scientists Spot Rare Gravity Waves For the Third Time
Sep 23, 2024
At a Glance The latest discovery shows these waves can be anywhere in the sky.Two black holes, which likely were originally far apart, eventually merged into a giant one, researchers say. Astronomers said Thursday they detected a third ripple in the fabric of space-time, a remnant of a cosmic crash of two black holes 3 billion years ago. These invisible ripples, called gravitational waves and first theorized by Albert Einstein, first burst into science's view to great fanfare in February...
Ringed Planet Up to 50 Times Larger Than Jupiter May Be Responsible for Mysterious Eclipses, Scientists Say
Sep 23, 2024
This image shows an artist's impression of the giant, ringed gas planet orbiting the star PDS 110. (University of Warwick) At a Glance Scientists have determined a giant, ringed gas planet may be causing eclipses of a star more than 1,000 light years away.The possible planet may be up to 50 times larger than Jupiter.The next eclipse will occur in September. Saturn is theplanet in our cosmic lineup known best for its rings, but researchers say a massive gas planet...
Watch ISS Cross Face of Moon
Sep 23, 2024
Man captures incredible video of the ISS crossing the face of the moon -- using only an iphone and a telescope. ...
The Strange, Ferocious Extreme Weather of Our Solar System's Planets
Sep 23, 2024
This enhanced color view of Jupiter’s cloud tops was processed by citizen scientist Bjorn Jonsson using data from NASA's JunoCam on the Juno spacecraft. A counterclockwise rotating storm appears as a white oval in the gas giant's southern hemisphere. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Bjorn Jonsson) At a Glance Atmospheres on other planets are oddly familiar to Earth's.Winds on most planets are 2 to 5 times stronger than Earth's.Distant worlds rely on their warm cores, rather than the sun, to produce weather. Storms on other...
Unexplainable Pit Found on Mars
Sep 23, 2024
A vast, deep pit found on Mars by a NASA orbiter defies explanation. ...
The Sun May Have Had An 'Evil' Twin
Sep 23, 2024
Astronomers say the sun may have had a twin. They call it Nemesis because it may have played a part in killing off the dinosaurs. ...
NASA Unveils Rover Concept Vehicle
Sep 23, 2024
NASA has unveiled it's newest rover concept vehicle which looks very much like the batmobile. It could be used to drive around on Mars someday. ...
NASA's Kepler Telescope Finds More Than 200 New Planet Candidates, 10 of Which Are Almost Earth's Size
Sep 23, 2024
The illustration above depicts exoplanets. NASA’s Kepler space telescope team has identified 219 new planet candidates, 10 of which are near-Earth size and exist in the habitable zone of their star. (NASA/JPL-Caltech) At a Glance More than 200 new planet candidates have been discovered by NASA's Kepler space telescope.Ten of the planets are almost the size of the Earth. NASA scientists Monday announced that more than 200 new planet candidates have been identified during its exoplanet-hunting Kepler mission. , 10...
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