News & Media
Outer Space, Up Close: 2015 Astronomy Photos of the Year
Sep 21, 2024
The overall winner in the competition, "Eclipse Totality over Sassendalen." (Luc Jamet) A total solar eclipse is a sight to behold. During the new moon phase, the moon passes directly between the sun and Earth, casting dramatic shadows upon the Earth's surface, as perfectly pictured above. In the photograph, French photographer Luc Jamet snapped the eclipse, which occurred on Match 20, 2015, above Sassendalen, a valley in the Norwegian territory of Svalbard. This image won Jamet the title of ,...
Space Junk Is at 'Critical Density' Scientists Warn
Sep 21, 2024
Space is becoming quite a hot spot these days. From the GPS systems that get us home to satellite radio, all kinds of businesses want a place in the galactic market, but could all of this spell trouble for those of us here on Earth? , according to Marketplace.org. The space just a few hundred miles above earth has become so crowded that NASA spends $7 million each year keeping track of it all. With all of that equipment in...
Brand-New Images of Pluto Show 'Dragon Scales' on Dwarf Planet
Sep 21, 2024
One of the biggest space stories of the summer was the images we saw of the dwarf planet Pluto, which was finally photographed from up-close by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft. Those images are still rolling in, and as they make the long journey back to Earth, NASA has been releasing them to the public little by little. One such photograph, , showed clear details of the complexities of a mountain range known as theTartarus Dorsa. In the image below, the...
Rosetta's 67P Comet Freezes and Thaws with the Sun
Sep 21, 2024
The ESA's Rosetta spacecraft has revealed that the Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, nicked 67P, has a daily freeze/thaw cycle in tune with the sun. (ESA/Rosetta/NWVCam) The latest in a stunning series of findings from the European Space Agency's Rosetta probe indicate that the surface of Comet 67P has its own freeze-thaw cycle that's in tune with its day and night, just as ice on Earth can freeze and thaw with the sun. The findings, published in the journal Nature, document 67P's daily...
Major Mars Announcement Coming Monday, NASA Says
Sep 21, 2024
A major Mars mystery has been solved, and NASA will tell the world about it on Monday. According to its website, NASA to make a major announcement about the Red Planet. The event will be held at the James Webb Auditorium at NASA's Washington headquarters. In this handout image, a sweeping panorama combining 33 telephoto images into one Martian vista presents details of several types of terrain visible on Mount Sharp from a location along the route of NASA's Curiosity...
NASA: There's Evidence of Liquid Water on Present-Day Mars
Sep 21, 2024
were true: After much speculation, NASA that there are signs of liquid water on the surface of Mars. The findings, published in the journal Nature Geoscience on Monday, came from Georgia Institute of Technology doctoral candidate Lujendra Ojha and information from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which has been collecting Martian data since 2011. The tools aboard the spacecraft spotted evidence of seasonal streaks on the planet's surface, which have been identified as a type of salt known as perchlorates. These...
Strong Solar Flare Captured in NASA Image; Some Radio Communication Impacted
Sep 21, 2024
A moderate solar flare was unleashed by the sun Monday, and NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) captured an image of the stunning event. Classified as a mid-level solar flare, it peaked , according to NASA. It was an M7.6 flare, which is more than seven times as strong as an M1 flare. M-class flares are only 10 percent as strong as X-class flares, NASA said, but they still rank on the higher end of moderate flares. The bright spot in...
NASA Rocket Launch May Create 'Glowing Clouds' on Wednesday Night
Sep 21, 2024
(NASA) Two incredible events could be seen from the : the launch ofNASA's Black Brant IX sounding rocket and the colorful, glowing clouds of barium vapor it produces, according to NASA. If the weather cooperates, at 7 p.m. EDT from the Wallops Island Flight Facility in Virginia. The liftoff could potentially create several multicolored patches of light that can be seen, along with the rocket, for people on the coast in the Middle Atlantic and Northeast United States. "Residents from...
Pluto's Sky is Blue, NASA's New Horizons Finds
Sep 21, 2024
There's one thing Pluto has in common with our Earth: a blue sky. NASA's New Horizons spacecraft studied the dwarf planet over the summer, and the ship collected so much data and imagery that the administration's scientists are still sifting through it all. In an image released Thursday, we can see in color for the first time that Pluto's skies are bright blue. Pluto’s haze layer shows its blue color in this picture taken by the New Horizons Ralph/Multispectral Visible...
Mars Was Once Covered With Lakes, NASA's Curiosity Rover Team Finds
Sep 21, 2024
Billions of years ago, a network of lakes on Mars was capable of storing water for an extended period of time, NASA scientists have found. In a Thursday news release, the team behind NASA's Mars Science Laboratory and the Curiosity rover . The information the team has gathered from the Curiosity rover shows water helped carry sediment, which was then deposited into Gale Crater. Over years, that sediment became the foundation for Mount Sharp, which is found in the middle...
ISS Astronaut Scott Kelly Captures 17 Incredible Photos of Australia in a Single Flyby
Sep 21, 2024
All of the images in this gallery were taken by ISS astronaut Scott Kelly during a single pass over Australia. (Twitter/Scott Kelly) Astronaut Scott Kelly is spending an entire year aboard the International Space Station, and he's seeing some things on our own planet that look extraterrestrial. Over the past few days, he's been posting a series of 17 images to his Twitter page that he captured during a single pass over Australia. In these images, which you can view...
Kepler Telescope Spots Mysterious Star; Scientists Considering Extraterrestrial Civilization Among Other Theories
Sep 21, 2024
Between the constellations of Cygnus and Lyra sits an uncommon star, which the naked eye can’t see, but the Kepler Space Telescope has been watching for about six years. The Kepler telescope searches for Earth-like planets in the Milky Way and has located over a thousand planets since its 2009 launch, . It keeps track of the brightness of stars and looks for little dips in light patterns that indicate an orbiting planet. The best method for watching the star...
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