News & Media
New Meteor Shower Could Put On Dazzling Show Memorial Day Weekend
Sep 20, 2024
Keep an eye to the skies later this week. A rare and major meteor shower is expected to occur Friday night into early Saturday morning. The Camelopardalids meteor shower will peak early Saturday morning, between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. EDT, according to NASA. The shower could put on a quite a show. The meteor shower will happen when Earth passes through dust that was ejected from comet 209P/LINEAR in the 1800s, according to NASA. (MORE: New Experiment Could Turn...
NASA Releases Photos of Apollo Astronauts Training in Hawaii for Moon Missions
Sep 20, 2024
Apollo Missions Training in Hawaii This 1971 image shows Apollo 17 astronauts, Harrison (Jack) Schmitt, left, and an unidentified man, training with the lunar roving vehicle on the Big Island of Hawaii. (NASA/AP) NASA has released photos from the early 1970s show astronauts from Apollo missions 13 through 17 taking a spin in the "moon buggy" and scooping up dirt on the Big Island of Hawaii. The Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems, a Hawaii state agency, is...
German Scientists: Evidence of Ancient Planet Found on the Moon
Sep 20, 2024
Using moon rock samples gathered from the Apollo missions more than 40 years ago, German scientists say they've finally found evidence that confirms the moon was created in the wake of a cataclysmic collision between Earth and an ancient planet known as Theia some 4.5 billion years ago. For decades, the theory, known as the giant impact hypothesis, has been the most widely accepted explanation for the moon's formation. The hypothesis holds that the collision between Earth and Theia, an...
Near-Earth Asteroid Nicknamed "The Beast" Will Fly By Earth Sunday
Sep 20, 2024
An asteroid so big that astronomers have dubbed it "The Beast" will get perilously close to Earth this weekend, although it poses no chance of actually hitting the planet, NASA reports. The mammoth asteroid 2014 HQ124, which is as big as a football stadium, will zoom by Earth on June 8 around 1:56 a.m., according to Space.com. The Beast will barrel past Earth traveling up to 31,000 mph, but at a safe distance of three lunar distances away. (MORE: Ancient...
Full Honey Moon: Friday the 13th Brings Rare Celestial Event
Sep 20, 2024
We can hear the superstitious locking their doors and closing the blinds. This week brings a full moon to begin Friday the 13th. This month's full moon rises Thursday, June 12, and will light the night, weather-depending, in the wee hours of Friday, June 13. But this moon is nothing to be scared of. In fact, we think it sounds a little sweet: the honey moon. (MORE: Incredible Solar Activity This Week) As weather.com's Matt Sampson explains in this video,...
SpaceX Founder Elon Musk Plans to Send Humans to Mars by 2026
Sep 20, 2024
A mock-up of what a future Mars colony might look like. (Photo: Mars One) Imagine waking up on another planet, the Earth is just a speck in the sky and Mars dust is under your feet. If SpaceX founder Elon Musk has his way, being a citizen on an alien planet could be a possibility in your lifetime, Discovery News reports. Musk hopes his company will be able to fly humans to Mars within the next 12 years. Of course,...
Rare Solar Eclipse Coming April 29
Sep 20, 2024
The solar eclipse set to occur April 29 will only be seen by an exclusive group. Only those in Australia and parts of Antarctica will see Tuesday's annular solar eclipse, which will transform the sun into a ring of fire, according to Space.com. This eclipse will be an annular eclipse because the moon will be close to its furthest distance from Earth, making it too small to create a total eclipse.So instead of a brilliant blackout of the sun, people...
First Full Moon of Summer Coming; Buck Moon Expected to Peak July 12
Sep 20, 2024
Skywatchers will be treated to the first full moon of summer when the Buck Moon arrives this weekend. It's called the Buck Moon because it occurs at about the same time as buck deer begin to grow new antlers, according to Space.com. It is also sometimes called the Thunder Moon, describing the weather conditions of the season, or the Hay Moon. (MORE: NASA Spacecraft Brought Back to Life) Time is of the essence with this event, because the moon won't...
Supermoon 2014: First Full Moon of Summer This Weekend!
Sep 20, 2024
Skywatchers will be treated to the first "'Supermoon"of summer when the Buck Moon arrives this weekend. It's called the Buck Moon because it occurs at about the same time as buck deer begin to grow new antlers, according to space.com. It is also sometimes called the Thunder Moon, describing the weather conditions of the season, or the Hay Moon. (MORE: NASA Spacecraft Brought Back to Life) Time is of the essence with this event, because the moon won't be in...
We're 'Very Close' to Finding Life Beyond Earth: NASA
Sep 20, 2024
Think we're not alone in the universe? Many scientists at NASA would agree with you, and at a Monday panel discussion they said the world is much closer to finding its "twin" out there than most people know. "We believe we are very close in terms of science and technology to finding another Earth, and signs of life on another world," Sara Seager, a professor of planetary science and physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said at the panel according...
21 Awe-Inspiring Photos of Cities at Night From Space, Taken by Astronauts on the International Space Station
Sep 20, 2024
San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina Courtesy NASA Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth. You've likely seen many a photograph of the Earth from space, taken by a satellite spinning high above us. But what if you got the chance to snap your own photo of the planet we all call home? That's what these photos are for the people who took them, the astronauts living on the International Space Station, which orbits our planet at a distance of roughly 220...
Missed the Supermoon This Month? The One in August Will Be Even Better
Sep 20, 2024
Don't fret if work, plans or bad weather prevented you from seeing the supermoon this month. It's returning in August, and it promises to be bigger and better, according to astronomers. The supermoon on Aug. 10 will be the second of three consecutive supermoons this summer. Stargazers were treated to the first on July 12, and the final show will be Sept. 9. Supermoons, which are also called "perigee moons," take place when the moon becomes full at the same...
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