An endangered female orca leaps from the water while breaching in Puget Sound on Jan. 18, 2014. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee is proposing $1.1 billion in spending and a partial whale-watching ban to help support the recovery of Puget Sound's critically endangered orcas.
(AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)
In September, only 74 southern resident killer whales remained.A big part of the governor's plan is restoring the population of chinook salmon, the orcas' main food.Other ideas include a ban on whale-watching for three years and reducing boat noise.
The governor of the state of Washington has asked for $1.1 billion to help save a critically endangered population of killer whales.
Gov. Jay Inslee proposes a number of controversial ideas to help the southern resident killer whales recover, including a ban on whale-watching of the endangered orcas.
“We are undertaking a herculean effort to save these iconic creatures. It will take action at every level of the environment across our entire state,” Inslee “We need to restore the ecosystem to one that sustains orcas, salmon and the quality of life for all Washingtonians.”
The southern resident killer whales that live off Washington, Oregon and British Columbia are in danger of dying off. Their food source, chinook salmon, has dwindled, toxins have contaminated their bodies, and boat noise hinders their hunting and communication, the Associated Press reports.
(WATCH: Killer Whales Surround New Zealand Swimmer)
The whales have failed to reproduce successfully in the past three years. One grieving mother last summer in an apparent effort to revive it.
As of September 2018, the lowest it has been in 34 years.
The $1.1 billion is included in . To pay for it, Inslee has called for a new capital gains tax and an increase in business taxes.
Much of the money would go toward reviving the chinook population by removing culverts that prevent salmon migration, allowing more water to spill over Columbia and Snake river dams, and according to the Seattle Times. Funds would also be used to create plans to move or kill seals and sea lions that feed on Columbia River salmon.
(MORE: Half of Killer Whale Populations Doomed, Study Finds)
Inslee, a Democrat, also proposes that a task force study the effects of breaching federal dams on the Lower Snake River.
U.S. Reps. Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Dan Newhouse, both Republicans, oppose the task-force proposal.
“The governor does not have the authority to breach our federal dams on the Lower Snake River, and allocating state taxpayers’ funds to consider breaching them would be wasteful," they said in a joint statement. “Congress has the sole authority to authorize breaching our federal dams, and as representatives of Eastern Washington communities that depend on the many benefits they provide, breaching them is out of the question. We commit to do everything in our power to save our dams.”
Breaching dams and increasing spill would affect the ability to generate electricity at the dams.
Elliot Mainzer, administrator of the Bonneville Power Administration, which markets power from the federal hydropower system, told the Seattle Times the agency supports evaluating the effects of breaching dams and increasing spill.
“We share Gov. Inslee’s concerns about orcas and we are encouraged by work actively underway with Washington state, Oregon and the region’s tribes to develop an approach to increase spill which can better optimize for salmon survival and preserve affordable carbon-free hydroelectric generation for the region’s electricity consumers,” Mainzer told the newspaper.
The ban on whale-watching would apply only to the southern resident killer whales. It would last for three years. Inslee also wants to permanently double the size of the "no-go zone" for vessels around orcas to 400 yards and create a "go slow zone" with reduced speed limits within a half-mile.
To help reduce boat noise, Inslee wants $117 million to begin converting two of the state’s Jumbo Mark II ferries from diesel to hybrid-electric and to begin constructing two new hybrid-electric ferries.
The plan also includes money to better control toxins and clean up toxic sites.
In an interview with the Seattle Times, Inslee said, “Everybody is involved in this mission and everyone has to be for it to succeed. These expenditures have to be done now. There are lots of things in life you can put off for a decade. This is not one of them … This is a one-time shot.”