The trees look like something out of a Dr. Seuss book, with their furry trunks and thin magenta branches opening up into the sky like a palm tree. But Singapore's 18 supertrees are more technology than plant. Constructed of concrete, photovoltaic panels, metal, and thousands of bromeliads, ferns, and orchids, the 80-to-160-feet supertrees are brightening up Singapore's skyline and cleaning the air.
The supertrees are part of an extensive project to beautify the downtown district of Marina Bay, and hopefully attract eco-tourists, according to CNN. They're located in Gardens by the Bay, which also includes a skywalk connecting the supertrees and two climate-controlled biomes, the Cloud Forest and the Flower Dome.
"It provides a green lung for the city rather than just having high rises everywhere," said forest ecologist and the project's chief operating officer Kenneth Er in an interview with the BBC.
Besides adding vibrant color and diversity to the daytime and nighttime skyline, the supertrees act as real forests would, providing shade and absorbing or dispersing heat. They also generate solar power, collect rainwater, and act as air vents for the conservatories, reported Fast Company.
The Bay South Garden, where the supertrees are located, was completed and opened to visitors in July 2012.
Check out the slideshow above for some photos of the supertrees during the day and lit up for the night.
MORE ON WEATHER.COM: Strange Forests of the World