With the approach of summer, plenty of Americans will be hitting the road or taking to the skies for a vacation. In 2013, around 77 percent planned for vacation during the summer, reported the Wall Street Journal. The travel industry provides 14.9 million jobs, impacting one out of nine workers in America, says the U.S. Travel Association.
By the sounds of it, Americans should be rather worldly with all the traveling we do. But according to the Huffington Post, most Americans spend their leisure time somewhere in the country rather than setting off across the seas that border the country on both sides. A little more than one-third of Americans have valid U.S. passports, says the State Department, and a survey in 2006 revealed young Americans had trouble locating Iraq and states within their country, says CBS News.
(MORE: Where in the World - Five Geography Games to Test Your World Knowledge)
But with the world at our fingertips thanks to the Internet, it's never been easier to engage in some armchair traveling. Even if airfare to Paris or Rome gouges too deep a hole in your wallet, you can still explore the world in the comfort of your own home and expand your knowledge of new places. Try taking our travel quiz in the slideshow above by guessing the country featured in each photo. Clicking for the next photo will reveal the answer. Are you a master traveler who's been everywhere and seen everything? Or will your travel to-do list be growing as you discover new places to visit?
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