News & Media
Amateur Astronomer Captures Incredible Image of Turquoise Comet 252P/LINEAR
Sep 22, 2024
Amateur astronomer Chris Schur captured the shot of a lifetime when he documented the comet 252P/LINEAR in all its turquoise glory on the morning of April 2. Seen in the gallery above, the image was after the comet made its close pass of Earth back in early April. Using an astrograph set at a 39-minute exposure, Schur got the amazing image of the comet surrounded by brilliant stars. "I was just able to glimpse this object [with the] naked eye,...
Amazing Picture of Storm Clouds from Space
Sep 22, 2024
Meteorologist Ari Sarsalari takes a look at a beautiful picture of a storm cloud taken from the International Space Station. ...
International Space Station Astronaut Tim Peake Documents Spectacular View of a Thunderstorm's Anvil
Sep 22, 2024
Thunderstorms are fascinating to observe from the ground, but seeing one from outer space is even more spectacular. The image below, which shows the anvil of a thunderstorm, was on Tuesday. Peakeis a flight engineer for the European Space Agency, and he snapped this stunning photo on May 28from the International Space Station (ISS), where he has. The anvil is the flat top of a cumulonimbus (thunderstorm) cloud, which stands out remarkably in this photo. Pictured here is the anvil...
Spinning Comets Can Tear Themselves Apart, Only to Be Reborn
Sep 22, 2024
The Rosetta Spacecraft took an intimate Valentine's Day photo series of Comet 67P. (ESA/Rosetta/NavCam) Comets may often experience repeated cycles of destruction and reformation, spinning fast enough to break up but then reforming as their separate pieces slowly coalesce over time, a new study finds. This finding could help explain the odd shapes of many comets imaged so far, researchers say. Comets are clumps of ice and rock that generate long tails as their orbits bring them near the sun....
Mysterious Flash Lights Up Sky Over Arizona
Sep 22, 2024
Arizona stargazers were baffled Thursday morningby a mysteriousbright flash that lit up the night sky. Shocked residents uploaded video of the fireball to social media and hundreds of tweets buzzed with speculation over the origin of the unidentified space object. A mysterious, bright flash of light was seen over Arizona on Thursday. (Ian Schlueter) Additionally, some locals heard a loud boom and even reported feeling the ground shake, , though the Arizona Geological Survey didn't pick up any readings of...
The Universe is Expanding Faster Than Scientists Thought, Study Says
Sep 22, 2024
Just when scientists thought they had an understanding of the inner workings of the cosmos, it throws them for another loop. A team of astronomers have calculated that , according to therelease from NASA. If their new findings are correct, then science’s basic understanding of what’s been going on in the universe for the past 13.8 billion years could be inaccurate. Their findings were released in a study Thursday. "This surprising finding may be an important clue to understanding those...
Mysterious Alien Noise Captured
Sep 22, 2024
Researchers have detected sound among the stars. ...
World’s Biggest Rocket Blasts into Space
Sep 22, 2024
The world’s largest rocket launches spy satellite into space. ...
Truly Nauseating Space Video
Sep 22, 2024
Astronauts spinning in space avoid dizziness because the body’s balance organs shut down in microgravity. ...
See the Stunning Launch of the World's Largest Rocket (PHOTOS)
Sep 22, 2024
The massive Delta IV Heavy rocket lifts off carrying NROL-37 for the National Reconnaissance Office. (United Launch Alliance) This weekend, the world's largest and most powerful rocket launched into space –and it was every bit as impressive as you'd imagine it would be. The rocket launched the NROL-37 mission for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on Saturday afternoon. The Delta IV Heavy rocket is prepared for launch at Space Complex-37. (United...
Rare Exoplanet 'First' is Captured By ESO's Very Large Telescope
Sep 22, 2024
While hunting for planets that orbit stars other than our sun, known as exoplanets, astronomers with the European Southern Observatory (ESO) have come across an exotic "first." Through the use of direct imaging, researchers have spotted a new exoplanet , which is shown in the slideshow above (circled in red). The bright blue sphere in the image is CVSO 30, a T-Tauri star located about 1,200 light-years away from the Earth. In 2012, astronomers discovered that the planet had an...
For First Time Ever, NASA Spots Methane Leak From Space During Aliso Canyon Disaster
Sep 22, 2024
A massive methane leak that was visible from space, and NASA said it was the first time they've ever observed such a leak from miles above the Earth. When NASA aircraft and satellites flew over the Aliso Canyon methane leak in January, they were able to detect the gas leaking from deep beneath a mountain near Porter Ranch, California, a new study has revealed. , published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, confirm just how large the greenhouse gas's leak...
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