News & Media
Ninth Planet May Exist Beyond Pluto
Sep 21, 2024
Researchers at the California Institute of Technology announced Wednesday that they have discovered "new evidence" of a ninth planet located in the outer reaches of our solar system. Konstantin Batygin and Mike Browndetected circumstantial evidence for the object, which they are tentatively calling Planet Nine, utilizing "mathematical modeling and computer simulations" and published their findings in the . The astronomers did not yet have observational evidence of Planet Nine, but outlined a thoroughargument for its existence based on the gravitational...
The Largest Solar System Ever Found is Unbelievably Massive
Sep 21, 2024
An artist's impression of 2MASS J2126. (University of Hertfordshire/Neil Cook) Once considered a homeless planet, left to travel the galaxy aimlessly, it turns out that giant planet 2MASS J2126 has a home after all. 2MASS J2126 just sits really, really, really far away from the star it orbits. Try from it, says Popular Science. Sitting about 104 light years away from Earth, 2MASS J2126 is estimated at a massive around its parent star, according to Gizmag. (More:) For reference, the...
Violent Impact That Created Moon Mixed Lunar and Earth Rocks
Sep 21, 2024
The photo above shows an artist's rendition of the moon's birth in a collision. (NASA) The colossal impact that created the moon may have spawned the cosmic mashup between the rocks that ultimately became Earth and its lunar neighbor, researchers say. Previous research suggested that about 100 million years after the solar system formed 4.6 billion years ago, the newborn, named after the mother of the moon in Greek myth. Debris from the collision later coalesced into the moon. Much...
NASA Curiosity Rover Snaps Another Epic Mars Selfie
Sep 21, 2024
The photo above shows the recent 'selfie' captured by NASA's Curiosity rover on Mars. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS) While rolling through a sand dune on Mars, NASA’s Curiosity rover decided to snap a selfie to capture the moment. Curiosity and was sent to collect information to help determine if humans could eventually be sent to the Red Planet, according to NASA. The rover had of sand and took a series of photos, NASA reports. On Jan. 19, 2016, Curiosity picked up 57 images...
NASA: Massive Gas Cloud Is Coming Toward Us At 700,000 Miles Per Hour
Sep 21, 2024
A massive cloud of hydrogen is hurtling toward the Milky Way at close to 700,000 miles per hour, according to new research published in a recent edition of the . The Smith Cloud, a humongous collection of hydrogen, might be returning to our galaxy in about 30 million years. (NASA) The Smith Cloud was discovered in the early 1960s by doctoral astronomy student Gail Smith, who detected the radio waves emitted by its hydrogen. Hubble Space Telescope observations suggest that...
How To See 5 Planets Align in February
Sep 21, 2024
For the first time in 10 years, the planets have aligned –and they're preparing to put on a rare celestial show. Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter, the five bright planets, are currently visible from Earth. Arching through the pre-dawn sky, high in the north and low in the east, the planets will be visible through Feb. 20. But there is a very specific time to see them at their brightest. Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have all lit up...
China's Space Program Releases High Definition, True Color Images of the Moon
Sep 21, 2024
In December 2013, China sent a – the first soft landing on the moon in nearly 40 years. Now, the China National Space Administration has released images from the unmanned mission for the public to enjoy, in high definition and true color, no less. The Chang'e 3 lander took this photo of the Yutu rover driving southward on Dec. 23, 2013. (Image courtesy China National Space Administration) According to the Planetary Society, the data from the Yutu rover contained ,...
NASA Releases Spectacular 360-Degree View of Mars
Sep 21, 2024
It's the closest we've gotten so far to the true Mars experience –NASA recently released an interactive, 360-degree video that allows users to navigate up, down, left, and right to see exactly what the Curiosity rover sees as it explores the Namib Dune. According to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the near Mount Sharp, which is visible on the horizon. (MORE:) The new video is the second attempt at an interactive 360-degree image stitched together from lots of photos of...
Stargazers Spot Mysterious Aurora in Alberta (PHOTO)
Sep 21, 2024
A lucky stargazer spotted a rare proton arc aurora in Alberta. (Theresa Tanner ) Stargazers in northwestern Canadawere amazed to witness a rare purple-hued aurora phenomenon — which is yet to be fully understood by space scientists. Darlene and Theresa Tanner captured a photograph of the extraordinary purple streak in the sky, colloquially known by aurora chasers as a "proton arc." "We chase storms in the summer and aurora in the winter, going into our fourth year," Theresa explained to...
Stellar Views of the Milky Way in New Zealand Skies Will Make You Feel Small (PHOTOS)
Sep 21, 2024
The Milky Way Galaxy has long been celebrated as the brightest object in the sky. It's beautiful glow provides a gorgeous backdrop for a series of stunning photos taken by British photographer Rob Dickinson. According to NASA, the glow from the Milky Way is the result of and producing gamma rays. In Dickinson's pictures, the shining galaxy is captured from various angles. To create these images, Dickinson stitched together , an effort that takes about 30 minutes per photo, Buzzfeedreports....
Hundreds of Never Before Seen Galaxies Spotted
Sep 21, 2024
There are countless stars in the Milky Way, now scientist have found hundreds of other never before seen galaxies beyond ours. Kait Parker has the details. ...
Hundreds of Hidden Galaxies Revealed
Sep 21, 2024
Astronomers have caught a glimpse of hundreds of galaxies previously obscured by the gas and dust of the Milky Way. Published this week in the Astronomical Journal, a new study by an international group of scientists, a part of the night sky that is hidden by our hazy galaxy. Using the Parkes Radio Telescope, astronomers observed 883 galaxies. About a third of these had never been seen before now. "We've used a range of techniques but only radio observations have...
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